Occupational Health and Safety Management

ICTM offers a full range of services for developing, implementing, and maintaining corporate health and safety programs. Federal and state regulations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), potential civil and criminal litigation, and good corporate citizenship all requires the implementation of appropriate health and safety programs for employees. ICTM believes that while compliance with regulations may not fully eliminate liability, our extensive experience in litigation support and insurance claims helps to ensure that potential risks are identified and managed in an effective manner.

Our Occupational Health and Safety services include:

  • Evaluations for Health, Safety, and OSHA Compliance
    • asbestos or lead monitoring and training
    • medical monitoring program development
    • exposure monitoring
    • compliance audits
  • Health Risk Assessment
    • hazard identification
    • dose-response relationship
    • exposure assessment
    • risk characterization
  • Hazard Communication
    • employee right-to-know training
    • environmental risk communication
  • Indoor nvironmental and Air Quality (IEAQ) Program Development
    • Health-based IEAQ assessments (sick building syndrome)
    • IEAQ training seminars
    • IEAQ incident response
    • Medical oversight of remedial activities
    • IEAQ questionnaires and surveys
    • Epidemiological studies
    • establishment of acceptable exposure limits

ICTM can review your current program or develop a complete program to suit the needs of your organization. ICTM can also provide training to employees to inform them of their responsibilities under the program and to comply with regulatory regulations.

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Our Phone Number is 301-519-0300. Call. We can help.