Risk Communication

According to the CDC, "Crisis and emergency risk communication is the attempt by science or public health professionals to provide information that allows an individual, stakeholders or an entire community, to make the best possible decisions about their well-being, under nearly impossible time constraints, and to communicate those decisions, while accepting the imperfect nature of their choices." Thus, risk communication is one of the most challenging, and most critical, components whenever there is a potential for adverse health effects due to an environmental incident or condition.

While we do not want to raise concerns which do not exist, our experience is that risk communication is a requisite component to minimize the potential for formal claims arising from an incident. Effective risk communication requires that the communication to the stakeholders be credible, timely, consistent and honest. Our physicians are national experts in health-related issues resulting from environmental problems and conditions. Our team is not like typical environmental or industrial hygiene consulting firms. We are a team of medical doctors and building science experts. We have over 35 years of relevant, risk communication experience.

Our expertise in this arena includes:

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Our Phone Number is 301-519-0300. Call. We can help.